Threats to Koalas

The koala is now under threat, making it a sentinel animal for forest-dwelling species in this country. Basically, if the koala is wiped out, whatever (and whoever) is responsible for its eventual extinction will also precipitate the demise of other fauna and flora. Australia holds the shameful title of having the greatest number of extinctions of mammals in the world.

Loss of Habitat

Deforestation, urbanisation, bush fires and encroachment have diminished natural habitats for koalas to grow, thrive and reproduce. 

Removal of habitat is the single biggest threat to the koala population, as well as all other native wildlife in Australia.

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Koalas in the wild face the threat of diseases (like chlamydiosis) that, without diagnosis and proper treatment, will quite often lead to death.

Chlamydia is a major disease threat to our Koala population.

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Injury and Attack

As a result of diminishing habitats, koalas face the frequent threat of injury or death from motor vehicles as well as dog attacks.

Apart from disease, koalas being hit by motor vehicles are one of the main reasons for admission into care.

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Download our Guide to learn how you can assist your local koala population.

Here's how you can help!

Here are three of the biggest, most significant ways you can help us today!

  • Adopt

    Adoption is a meaningful and symbolic way to contribute to the conservation of koalas. Adoption allows you to directly fund koala rescue, management of sick and injured koalas and the rehabilitation of koalas and their habitat. Learn about the koalas available for adoption  to find who you connect with here! 

  • Donate

    Making a donation contributes directly to the funding of conservation efforts of wild koalas and their habitats, providing care to sick and injured koalas and supporting research and education efforts. Donating is an easy and effective way to directly help our Koala population, a little goes a long way.

  • Visit

    Come see us in action to find out what we’re all about! Drop into the Koala Hospital during our opening hours (8:30am to 4pm every day) to get a first-hand look at our facility, including our Koalaseum, care clinic, and shop. You can learn about our rescue and rehabilitation efforts and check out our facility visit our exhibit koalas.

  • Become a Volunteer

    We are always on the search for new, passionate volunteers ready to help make a substantial difference in koala safety. Find out more on how you can help our koalas today.

  • Plant a Tree

    The major threat to koalas are loss of habitat. A $20 donation will enable us to plant one food tree. Your donation will help nourish koalas in the future, and reduce Australia’s carbon footprint!

  • Report a Sighting

    If you catch sight of a koala, complete our reporting form and include any observations to help us monitor koalas. If you observe an injury or signs of illness, call our rescue hotline.